Technology Lifecycle Write For Us
Technology Lifecycle Write For Us: The Technology Life Cycle (TLC) describes the commercial gain of a product through the expense of the research and development phase and the financial return during its “life cycle”. Some technologies, such as the manufacture of steel, paper, or cement, have a long shelf life (with minor variations in the technology incorporated over time) while in other cases, such as electronics or pharmaceuticals, the shelf life can be quite short.
The TLC associated with a technology product or service is different from the Product Lifecycle (PLC) discussed in Product Lifecycle Management. The latter refers to the shelf life of a product on the market with regard to the time of introduction, marketing measures, and commercial costs. The technology behind the product (for example, that of a single flavored tea) may be quite marginal, but the process of creating and managing your life as a branded product will be very different.
The life cycle of technology is related to the time and cost of developing the technology, the timing of cost recovery, and the means of ensuring that the technology generates a profit commensurate with the costs and risks involved. FTA may also be protected during its cycle by patents and trademarks which seek to lengthen the cycle and maximize the benefits thereof.
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Technological Literacy
Business cycle
Disruptive technology
Mass customization
Network effects
New product development
Technological revolution
Technological transitions
Technology acceptance model
Technology adoption life cycle
Technology readiness level (TRL)
Technology roadmap
Toolkits for user innovation
Open innovation
Frugal innovation
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