March 6, 2025

Why are Smart Parcel Lockers Trending?

The e-commerce boom has increased shipments. People relentlessly order more and more packages that result in one pain point, which is storage. Smart parcel lockers are the solution for the same.

Currently, the e-commerce industry has experienced a spurt of 17 percent, which accounts for a market value of $4.5 trillion in 2021! The arriving packages require safekeeping. It is estimated that the parcel locker industry will have a market value of $1 billion within three years. This highlights the importance of integrating smart parcel lockers at every avenue.

Every industry is quite familiar with parcel lockers. But with technological advancement, smart parcel lockers have started stealing the show. Automating any manual process is the pathway that makes any housing, organization, or institution smart. Smart parcel lockers possess the basic structure and nitty-gritty of a regular parcel locker, but what makes them stand apart is the automation features. That is the primary reason they are trending in the market.

Stated below are the features that account for why they trend in the market.

Retail packing services

A trend where a customer or buyer can shop for a package virtually and get the arrival from the store is called the “BOPIS” acronym for Buy online, pick an in-store delivery pattern. Smart lockers assist the retailer by optimizing their service by cutting the shipping costs to the pertinent order. Since there is no delivery fee charged, many users have started opting for it. The smart lockers help in scrutinizing the order, ensuring minimal mishaps.

Convenient Mailboxes

The provision of maximum safety, convenience, and accessibility to ordering is what a user vouches for. Smart parcel lockers render the same. The smart parcel lockers allow the courier pick-ups and drops at any given time. Plus, the security is maintained due to USPS rules and regulations accompanied with the printable labels.

Personalised Arrangement

With storage, there isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution. Every institution has a different set of requirements. While a university may require parcel lockers to store documents, a hospital may require comparatively larger lockers. The modular system offered by the smart parcel lockers ensure every individual’s storage needs are met. Basically, lockers are available in multiple layouts, aesthetics, and volume.

Distribution Cabinets

Distribution of consumables and materials is tricky. This is a roadblock many industries face. Therefore, a credible solution is provided by smart lockers. They ensure the availability of resources and render easy access, which keeps the motors of the businesses running more efficiently.

Good fit for all communities

The mobilization of sensitive and important documents such as permits, passports, and cheques should be handled with security. Streamlining these public services has become more of a necessity than a luxury. In such a situation, automated parcel lockers for delivering sensitive documents can allow the departments to shift their role in the more necessary tasks.

Asset Safekeeping

Parcel theft is one of the most common crimes faced in localities, despite the installation of lockers. This is the primary reason why housing societies don’t prefer parcel lockers. Integration of smart parcel lockers eliminates all the possibilities of thefts and makes management easier. Plus, they are a big asset at the organization that requires the storage of heavy and pricey types of equipment.

Components of a smart locker


Storage space is a primary requirement of a locker, regardless of it being smart. They have the appearance of a traditional locker but include features such as ventilated metal doors or high-impact polycarbonate doors.

Authentication Panel

The authentication panel is the distinguishing factor between a regular and smart parcel locker. Smart lockers give users more control over their belongings by using secure methods such as biometric scans, smart cards, or smartphone apps. If any type of uncertainty is detected, the panel records the user’s activity and restricts it.

Content Monitor

Through a content monitor, a user can easily track the assets of each user. The passive RFID tags attached to the system are also trackable, acting as a guiding factor in case of any misplacement.

Management Software

The management software serves as an output device, displaying all analyzed data on a simple dashboard. Users and transaction reports can be customized through the management portal, which aids regulatory compliance.


The B2C market has experienced tremendous growth. As e-commerce has grown in popularity, so has the demand for deliveries. According to a forum, the need for last-mile delivery systems could increase by 78 percent by 2030. With their various capabilities, parcel lockers become a sustainable and cost-effective option. The seamless procedure of carrying out storage is what makes it stand out.

The trends stated above are some of the primary reasons why smart parcel lockers are a smart investment.

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