Computer systems are an elementary, complete, and functional configuration of hardware and software with everything needed to implement computing power.
This is the basic working definition of the computer system as we know it, but it has undergone many formal changes over the last few decades.
If this definition sounds a bit abstract, there are some fundamentals of data processing that a computer system must enable.
First of all, there is the possibility of obtaining information from the user. Then there is the ability to process data. There is also the possibility to create information for storage and output.
In short, this is a computer system, but to understand what a computer system is, one must also look back at the timeline of computer development over the decades.
Computer Hardware: These are physical parts/intangible parts of a computer. For example, input devices, output devices, central processing unit, and storage devices.
Computer software: also famous as programs or applications. They are classified into two classes, namely: system software and application software.
Liveware: is the user of the computer. Also known as or ware or homeware. The user instructs the computer system to execute the instructions.
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- Biological organisation
- Chaos theory
- Cognitive modeling
- Cognitive Science
- Complex (disambiguation)
- Complex adaptive system
- Complex networks
- Complexity
- Complexity (disambiguation)
- Complexity economics
- Complexity Science Hub Vienna
- Cybernetics
- Decision engineering
- Dissipative system
- Dual-phase evolution
- Dynamical system
- Dynamical systems theory
- Emergence
- Enterprise systems engineering
- Fractal
- Fractal physiology
- Generative sciences
- Hierarchy theory
- Homeokinetics
- Interdependent networks
- Invisible hand
- Mixed reality
- Multi-agent system
- Network science
- Neuroscience and intelligence
- fr:Noogenèse
- Nonlinearity
- Pattern-oriented modeling
- Percolation
- Percolation theory
- Process architecture
- Self-organization
- Sociology and complexity science
- System accident
- System dynamics
- System equivalence
- Systems theory
- Systems theory in anthropology
- Tektology
- Volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity
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