March 24, 2025

How to Prepare for Class 10 Maths Olympiad

Class 10 Maths Olympiad

Class ten is an important grade since it establishes a foundation for future career and academic endeavors. After that standard, students must choose a certain stream and progress through other disciplines. In India, streams must be carefully chosen because they affect practically every aspect of a person’s career and opportunities for further education. As a result, it is beneficial for a child to investigate all he or she can till then.

Class 10 Maths

Only then will they be able to decide what they want to achieve and which path to take. Exploring entails looking at several options and putting them to the test. For example, a student who enjoys baking and aspires to be a chef. To determine whether that vocation is right for them, they must speak with other chefs, tour locations, and learn more about the industry as a full-time job.

How to Prepare?

If a student is interested in both social sciences and mathematics, he or she will need to carefully select a stream and professional route. The rationale for this is that choosing humanities/arts as a stream closes off alternatives for math students, whereas choosing Science and Maths as a stream leaves all options open.

Olympiads enter the picture at this point. Olympiads are oppositions in which students compete against other students of a comparable educational level. It not only exposes a child to competition in that subject, allowing them to determine whether they are truly interested, but it also enhances their skills and provides advantages that may be applied to other competitive tests or careers.

The Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF) in India holds several Olympiads for grades 1 through 10 every year. These include the International Science Olympiad (ISO), International Maths Olympiad (IMO), English International Olympiad (EIO), General Knowledge International Olympiad (GKIO), International Computer Olympiad (ICO), International Drawing Olympiad (IDO), National Essay Olympiad (NESO), and National Social Studies Olympiad (NSSO) (NSSO)

The International Math Olympiad (IMO) is a very important and valuable Olympiad. It features two levels for class 10 and a total of 50 multiple-choice questions. The first level lasts one hour and has a total of 60 points. After passing the first level, you go to the second level, which is a 2-hour exam with 70 questions and a total of 100 points.

Logical Reasoning, Mathematical Reasoning, Achievers Section, and Everyday Mathematics are the four sections.

The first segment includes both verbal and nonverbal reasoning exercises.

Knowing Our Numbers, Whole Numbers, Playing with Numbers, Basic Geometrical Ideas, Understanding Elementary Shapes, Integers, Fractions, Decimals, Data Handling, Mensuration, Algebra, Ratio and Proportion, Symmetry, Practical Geometry are all covered in the second section.

The third section has questions with similar topics to those in section 2 as well as mathematical reasoning. The fourth section contains questions with a higher level of complexity to those in section 2.

To be clear, IMO, there are a few points to keep in mind.

Make a learning plan:

Getting ready for an Olympiad necessitates a well-organized study schedule. As a result, students must create an Olympiad preparation plan. It takes into account the curriculum, essential chapters, and tough themes that require extra study time. Students will be able to bestow more time to each course and topic if they have a good schedule.

Clarity of concepts:

Having complete knowledge of all topics with your heart is vital. When a student grasps the concept, he or she can solve any problem that is related to it. If a notion is vague, it will cause confusion and self-doubt.

Managing time:

It’s vital to balance everyday chores, schooling, and extracurricular activities while preparing for an Olympiad. It’s critical to stay informed about what’s going on at school and in the world.

Recognize the complexity of Olympiad questions:

While the material for Olympiad tests is essentially the same as for school boards, Olympiad questions are frequently more challenging. They examine skills such as observation, application, problem-solving, and analytical ability. To answer these queries, one must have a strong conceptual understanding. As a result, it’s critical to help students understand the level of difficulty of Olympiad exam questions so they may prepare appropriately.

Solve Previous Year’s Olympiad Exam and Sample Papers:

In order to assess their knowledge and abilities in preparing for Olympiad examinations, all candidates must aim to complete year’s Olympiad exam papers, and IMO Class 10 2016 Question Paper Solving past year’s examinations will give you an idea of the different types of Olympiad problems and their difficulty levels. After completing these papers and evaluating the veracity of their responses, students will have a better understanding of their strengths and shortcomings in a particular topic of study.

Talk to Teachers:

As a student studies or takes the Olympiad practice tests, he or she will have issues with specific themes and questions. It’s a good idea to have an additional duplicate and keep track of them in a notebook. Give your notebook to your teacher after that. And he or she will work with you to help you thrive in those subjects. A teacher is always willing to assist his or her students, and if you ask, they will gladly answer any questions you may have.


This time-tested aphorism bears no additional explanation. Training, practice, and practice some more until you’re perfect. Each question and activity must be practiced at least once. The main goal is to first understand all concepts. Then, revise by answering additional similar questions and making each topic crystal clear so that no misunderstandings occur. A pupil will feel at ease and safe in all of the questions that are asked after so much practice, and they will not be terrified or doubtful.


Olympiads are crucial for students in class 10 to learn more about their passions and to add another feather to their cap. There are a little things to keep in mind while studying for the International Math Olympiad in order to ace it. These include a thorough understanding of the syllabus and a thorough understanding of each and every topic. It is precarious to keep track of your time and create a timetable. The most important thing to remember is to keep your mind fresh and free of exam worry. class

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